Private aircraft Services

Private aircraft Services

We provide private aircraft purchase consulting and operation management services for organisations and individuals who want to own a private aircraft.
Our services include:

Purchase Consulting

Aircraft Selection ConsultingAircraft Selection Consulting

Provide customers with information about specifications, operational and technical features; updates on market price; analysis, evaluation, and comparison of operation and maintenance costs. We aim to provide the optimal solution to meet customers’ needs and suit their budget.

Purchase Agreement Negotiation SupportPurchase Agreement Negotiation Support

Our experts will support customers in negotiating and implementing transactions to get the safest and most beneficial commercial, legal and technical terms and conditions.

Aircraft Delivery ServicesAircraft Delivery Services

Including Aircraft Inspection & Document Check for exporting aircraft from the manufacturing country and importing them to Vietnam; Registration, Operating Certificate & Certificate of Airworthiness Administration Acquisition Support.

Aircraft BrokerageAircraft Brokerage

You can list your aircraft on our brokerage system. The aircraft stays with the owner and the buyer comes to the seller's location for an inspection. The owner’s important documents and information are always kept confidential.

Financial ArrangementFinancial Arrangement

With strong supports from shareholders including banks, investment funds, and big corporations, we can support our customers in financing the aircraft when required.


Long-term lease

Long-term lease

If requested, VALC will invest in a new aircraft of your choice and it will be available for you to lease.

Aircraft management

Aircraft Operating Management Services

Aircraft Operating Management Services

We provide a complete package of aircraft operation (cabin crew, flight permission...) and maintenance (before and after flights, regular and overhaul checks).